Mike is currently… snowboarding in Banff |
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Wed, 21 Mar 2007This is an archived blog post. I've switched to using WordPress as my blogging software and have not migrated all my old posts. I believe strongly in not letting an old link die, so this page continues to work. Please do visit mikemason.ca/blog to read newer posts. Card InfectedThis whole Agile thing has messed me right up. It’s not the most original idea—Joe Walnes had a card wall for renovating his house, where estimates were in money-costs rather than time—but it works well for me. I find myself getting a little stressed out when a personal project, even just “stuff I should do this week,” doesn’t have a card wall. Now that our wedding project has been successfully deployed I’ll be starting a card wall for happily ever after… Posted 19:07, 21 Mar 2007. [ permalink ] |
[ tim bacon ] musings of an xp coach [ ian bourke ] enhancing core competencies since 1976 [ martin fowler ] a cross between a blog and a wiki [ alan francis ] agile != good [ paul hammant ] part of the problem… [ darren hobbs ] the blog formerly known as pushing the envelope [ mike roberts ] on life and technology [ chris stevenson ] skizz-biz [ joe walnes ] joe's new jelly [ rob baillie ] oracle |
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