Mike is currently… hanging out in Calgary |
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Tue, 12 Aug 2003This is an archived blog post. I've switched to using WordPress as my blogging software and have not migrated all my old posts. I believe strongly in not letting an old link die, so this page continues to work. Please do visit mikemason.ca/blog to read newer posts. RSS Feed UpdatedI’ve thrown together some Blosxom flavour templates for RSS 2.0 and switched the link on the left to point to it. The old 0.91 feed continues to work, but doesn’t suport dates or guids for channel items. These two bits of information help aggregators like FeedDemon figure out when a post was actually made and uniquely identify it, so you can avoid reading it twice. There’s a bit of a power struggle going on in the blogging and syndication world right now. It’ll be interesting to see how things turn out – I reckon RSS will continue to be dominant amongst blogging tools, but we’ll see widespread support for the alternatives when they arrive. After all, converting blog information into a simple XML format isn’t neuroscience. What’s probably more interesting is whether any of the big players like Microsoft and IBM get involved (publicly or not) in trying to leverage the format. For what it’s worth, I’ll make sure to have an Atom feed once the format stabilises a bit. My Blosxom RSS 2.0 templates are available for download, but you should eyeball them and fix things like the author before using them. To install, just expand the zip into your Blosxom data directory and start asking for pages with a .rss20 extension. For static generation, make sure to add “rss20” to blosxom.cgi’s @static_flavours variable. Posted 22:39, 12 Aug 2003. [ permalink ] |
[ tim bacon ] musings of an xp coach [ ian bourke ] enhancing core competencies since 1976 [ martin fowler ] a cross between a blog and a wiki [ alan francis ] agile != good [ paul hammant ] part of the problem… [ darren hobbs ] the blog formerly known as pushing the envelope [ mike roberts ] on life and technology [ chris stevenson ] skizz-biz [ joe walnes ] joe's new jelly [ rob baillie ] oracle |
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