Pragmatic Version Control Using Subversion, Take Two

I’m very pleased to announce that the second edition of Pragmatic Version Control Using Subversion has been published and is now shipping. As an author, it’s great to get an opportunity to update a published book, and for there to be enough interest that making an update is worthwhile.

Since the book first came out Subversion has come a long way, from version 1.0 to 1.3, adding new features and making improvements. I’ve also had a bunch of feedback on what people did and didn’t like in the book and this was a good opportunity to add some more content and address some of that feedback.

The book is still very much a guide for using version control in a pragmatic fashion, suitable for people who are new to version control as well as those with prior experience, but the new edition adds some more advanced stuff like programmatic access to a repository, path-based security, and file locking.

It’s my continued pleasure to work with Andy and Dave—if you’re an aspiring author with an idea for a book you should seriously drop them a line. The Pragmatic Programmers’ editorial expertise and publishing system is second-to-none, and best of all you won’t have to write your book using Word!

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mike on June 14th 2006 in Version Control

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